NETRALT visit Blackwood’s innovative new properties

Blackwood kitchen photoNETRALT tenants and staff enjoyed a trip to visit one of Blackwood Homes’ brand new accessible properties in Dundee.

These properties are fully integrated with Blackwood’s digitally enhanced care system, Clever Cogs, which tenants manage by a touch screen device. The system is tailored to each client’s needs and is designed to be easy to use.

Accessible features include blinds that adjust at the touch of a button, rise and fall kitchen units, movable bathroom basin, and a machine that washes, dries and irons your clothes. There are some great space saving ideas for wheelchair users, such as automated doors that slide into the wall and the oven door that slides back under itself.

These self-contained properties benefit from a video security intercom, giving tenants peace of mind about who they are opening their front door to.

The gardens are accessible too and feature raised flower beds and planters for green-fingered tenants.

It was a real eye-opener for everyone and really shows what can be done nowadays to support tenants to live as independently as possible in their own homes. A big thank you to Blackwood for showing us around and answering all our questions!

You can read more about Blackwood’s home designs here.