Colin Stewart scoops Tenant Participation Champion award

Colin Stewart wins TPAS Champion photoCastlehill Housing Association is delighted that our tenant Colin Stewart has won the acclaimed Tenant Champion of the Year Award at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service Scotland National Good Practice Awards 2018.

The awards were held in Aviemore and judges were bowled over by Colin’s level of involvement in tenant participation with Castlehill Registered Tenants Organisation (CaRTO).  He is also a member of North East Tenants, Residents and Landlords Together (NETRALT), Regional Networks and carries out other voluntary work outside of social housing in the wider community, all of which make him a worthy winner.

Colin received his award from two stars of long-running Scottish sitcom Still Game; Mark Cox who plays skinflint Tam, and Jane McCarry a.k.a Craiglang’s resident busybody, Isa.

Colin Stewart with his award photoOur Tenant Participation Officer, Catherine Coutts, was shortlisted for the final for the Tenant Participation Champion – Staff category for her work with tenants and groups in the North East.

There was yet more success to come for Castlehill, with local partner group NETRALT being runners up in the Best Practice in Involving Customers in Services category for their ongoing mystery shopping project.